"Who else knew about this, aside from you?"
She still knew next to nothing about him, aside from the fact that he'd tried to kill her.
If you must know, quite aside from my special godmother attributes, I'm psychic, okay?
I knew the Greeks, aside from producing fleas, engaged in sacrifice.
No one knew for sure, of course, aside from the elves themselves, since disappeared things can never be entirely counted on.
You yourself know naught certain about Ancient relics, aside from their existence on some other planets.
Only a few people knew of it, aside from himself, and no one inside the Cage.
If you don't leave a note chances are they will never know what happened, aside from the shop / plant being broken into.
What did you want to know about them - aside from the fact that they're big, ugly, savage, and they've got yellow blood?
Rand recognized a number of the men in black coats, but he knew only a few names aside from Jur's.