The term is often known as religious studies.
Constance Rourke, one of the founders of what is now known as cultural studies, largely assumed this as late as 1931.
These - known as studies - are not primarily defensive: they open from the rooms of the upper floor.
Women's studies, also known as feminist studies, is an interdisciplinary academic field that explores politics, society, media, and history from women's and/or feminist perspectives.
First expansion came in 1987 in what is now known as B Hall math department and C halls computer and social studies where added to the building.
International Studies is sometimes also known as global studies.
The years from 2001 to 2013 are now history; the remaining years from 2014 to 2100 are studied in futurology (also known as future studies).
In fact, a developing academic discipline known as "cultural studies" is partly a study of trends and their meanings.
To examine this question, studies measuring personality factors using trait adjectives from various languages are known as lexical studies.
Lyttelton taught mostly classics in the fifth form, but became known for his optional course of English as "extra studies" for senior specialists.