They are formally known as UK-wide numbers and revenue share is not permitted on any 03 number range.
We too know them only as numbers, not men whose moral energies are destroyed before our eyes.
Such numbers are known as pseudo-random numbers.
Octonions are not as well known as the quaternions and complex numbers, which are much more widely studied and used.
Physicists long ago discovered that atomic nuclei have what came to be known as "magic numbers."
In the 1730s, he first established and used what was later to be known as Catalan numbers.
Hexadecimal "words" used in byte code to identify a specific file or data format are known as magic numbers.
All citizens are known as "numbers".
Numbers that are members of an aliquot sequence with period greater than 2 are known as sociable numbers.
Almost perfect numbers are also known as least deficient numbers.