Jones held a number of senior roles in the public sector, being best known for his work as chairman of the Waitangi Fisheries Commission.
He is best known for his nine-year term (2002-2011) as chairman of Finmeccanica, the Italian state-owned conglomerate.
Elected in 1952, he was most well known for his service as chairman of the Senate Select Committee.
He is best known for his role as chairman of Broken Hill Proprietary Co.
Every five year the election take place to elect local government heads known as chairman.
But he was best known as chairman of the panel that drew up a revision of the Baptist Faith and Message statement.
He is known as chairman of his party in three non-consecutive periods, and also founded what would become the main party newspaper.
Among his numerous family enterprises he was best known for his role as president and chairman of the Narragansett Brewing Company.
He is best known for his time as chairman of the Chrysler Corporation.
He is best known as the founder and chairman of his family-owned trucking and logistics company, Linfox.