Here you also better be good if you're known as Doc, which has emerged as a New York nickname demanding success and style.
His opposite number was a pleasant old codger, known as Doc, who could listen for signals but who knew nothing of upkeep and repair.
Sitting West was Paul Schneider, who was known as Doc.
The educated John Louis became known as "Doc" and he took the Brown surname.
That image reinforced this columnist's own recollections of the man he had known as Doc and of his obsessions.
Although he was later known to his friends as "Doc," he did not receive a degree in medicine at the University and never practiced that profession.
Lavan was known as "Doc" because he was actually a medical doctor.
The man with the sandy beard and sunglasses they had known only as Doc.
Known as "Doc, " Barry promoted a number of mining schemes.
Carlton, who is known as Doc, stage manages his brother's shows, and the two of them talked shop for a while.