The knotted hands came apart with a frantic jerk, because he wanted them to hide his face, which was no longer under control.
In one knotted hand, the doll held a stone flake that looked almost like a sword.
He spread his knees and dropped his knotted hands between.
The wizard swept a knotted hand through his hair.
The only movement was a slight, continuous tremor in the knotted hands on the arms of the wheelchair.
Spillbergen unclenched his knotted hand and everyone saw that the last straw was long.
He was aware of her gaze but didn't meet it, keeping his focus on easing the tension from Gwen's knotted hands.
Gwen was visible through the doorway, a steaming mug of coffee held between her knotted hands.
He seemed to disregard the flow of hot wax which had already congealed on much of his knotted hand.