Jared, still outside the laboratory door, was knocked backward, but managed to keep his feet.
Pieces of Johnson's teeth had been knocked backward into his throat.
Masterton was knocked backward in the resulting collision and landed on his head.
The little animal shrieked in alarm as it was knocked backward, and rolled over its tail.
He was knocked backward toward the slant of the staircase.
Gerry was knocked backward and fell onto the hood of his car.
He turned back to assist the men, but was knocked backward by the flying body of the small boy.
She was knocked backward, her shoulder blazing with pain, and then the things swarmed in.
The man was knocked backward and spun around, held upright only by the machines which had embedded themselves in his flesh.
It occurs when a running player is stopped by an arm to the chest or neck and usually gets knocked backward onto their back.