Sturmgeschütz units claimed to have knocked out 20,000 tanks by 1944.
The Jordanians mounted fierce resistance, knocking out two tanks.
Together, we were able to knock out 20 British tanks with our 88s and for the time being, avert the danger.
There, artillery fire knocked out three supporting tanks.
Two others received less prestigious awards for only knocking out five tanks each.
Shortly afterwards, on 5 June, the Kampfstaffel reported that the other vehicle had been lost after knocking out three tanks.
In total the commandos blew up 29 bridges, burned 48 tankers, knocked out 2 tanks, and killed at least 400 enemy soldiers.
In the Seelow area alone, they had knocked out more than 150 tanks and had shot down 132 planes.
In terms of battlefield casualties, the French had knocked out 160 German tanks for 105 losses.
The attack knocked out three more tanks with hand grenades and drove back the rest.