Aunt Margherita knitted scarves, shawls, and stockings with the ends of her skeins of wool.
After appearing in Daily Candy's internet mailer on September 19, 2007 [2], a large group of hobby knitters were inspired to knitting similar scarves.
I'm knitting scarves like crazy and my family wonders if somewhere there's a cottage industry.
Needles of rain knitted together scattered scarves of thin fog, which then unraveled through whatever tree or shrub next snagged them.
When asked about the term, Butters has explained, "If you knit scarves, you're a farmgirl.
But while some grannies sit and knit scarves and afghans, this 91-year-old has a decidedly different hobby.
They are knitting caps, socks, sweaters and scarves.
Over 100 girls knit sweaters and scarves in conjunction with the British War Relief Fund and American Red Cross.
We knitted scarves, adopted a British prisoner of war in Germany and sent him Red Cross parcels and wrote to him.
With yarn donated by a church, the offenders are knitting afghans, scarves, mittens and the like for the needy.