The knight bowed again to Nikol.
The tall knight bowed politely and touched his brow in salute.
The knight bowed slightly as they approached, ushering them to his right as he turned to face the almost-shimmer of the warded walls.
Apparently the two Plainsmen declined any offer Sturm made, for the knight bowed again and left them.
The elven knight bowed silently, and gestured for her to advance.
The knight bowed slightly and went out again.
The battle-worn knight bowed and replied, "It is I who wel- come you to my fief, sister."
A young knight in a quartered surcoat bowed and took his leave, and the old man turned back to Robb.
Instantly, the knight bowed and stepped back, standing behind Sir Oliver.
The knight bowed and, thanking her lavishly, hurried away along the wharf in search of a fast ship to take him home.