In this solo show, three life-size sculptures of nude women kneel atop piles of loose logs as if ready to go up in flames.
We will be kneeling in front of the Safeway, atop out-of-date textbooks whose pages we have chewed out.
Leto waited until she was kneeling atop him.
When she looked back, Allanon knelt alone atop a pile of charred ash.
He knelt atop the bed and she drew him toward her.
This wreck of a building knelt atop the highest hill in Axis Tyr, the entire city laid out before it.
Raoul knelt atop him, one knee square on the middle of his back, the other on the back of his neck.
As all watched in astonishment, it grew and became The Simbul, kneeling atop the table with proud and lonely eyes.
He noticed that Robin, kneeling atop Hautbois a few meters away, was also watching the spectacle.
And when I let the spirit flow back out of the stone and into the flesh,I knelt there alone atop the world.