Keith Van Horn had his left knee wrapped in ice but he was still smiling, if not glowing, under the lights of the Nets' practice facility.
The ensuing recovery involved a lot of sitting around with his knee wrapped in bandages as thick as a bolster.
The regular quarterback, Benny Gain, was on the bench, his sore knee wrapped in ice.
"When we were scheduled to go up and down, he couldn't do it," Chaney said of McDyess, who watched the scrimmages with his left knee wrapped in ice.
The prisoner's arms were bound behind his back and his knees wrapped so that he could not bend.
As Nilan talked, his right knee wrapped in ice, only compliments were coming from his teammates.
On August 16, 2009, Bush left practice due to continuing problems with his left knee, later to return with his knee wrapped in an icepack.
Bennett spent the rest of the game with his right leg up on the bench, his knee wrapped in ice.
After doing a post-game television interview, he walked toward the locker room with both knees wrapped in thick packs of ice.
Mattingly had the knee wrapped after the game and said it was stiff, but he also insisted he would play Tuesday.