Nearly an hour after he had begun, he found himself on his knees, hunched over, weeping uncontrollably.
Behind him, Lin was on his knees, hunched into himself, looking up at her as he struggled for breath, his eyes reminding her of the promise she had made.
The harpist slid to his knees, hunched over the newly broken bones in his hand.
The girl sat with her knees drawn up, arms locked around her legs, hunched, chin against her knees, peering out with wide eyes that, as before, saw neither Laura nor anything else in that room.
Someone was there before him, sitting down with knees hunched against his chest, his attention all for a hopping creature making erratic progress across the sod.
He let out all his breath then with a sigh and put his face down upon his knees, back hunched.
He breathed fast and urgent, with his face down on his knees, hunched on the top floor of the bus, in the dark.
It was dark, but I could see the darker outline of a pair of knees hunched against the stars.
He lay on his side, his knees hunched to his chest.