She leaned forward and kissed him softly, without passion.
He hesitated a moment, as though not knowing what to say next, then bent, picked up my hand, and kissed it, very simply, without affectation.
Shadwell embraced them, and they kissed him, apparently without revulsion.
What's the fun of kissing a woman without the risk she'll decide to stick a knife in you?
After four years with Bill, kissing a man without a beard felt strange.
FitzRoy took the king's hand and kissed it without reply.
And after lunch she bent over and kissed him between the eyes, without any sense of betrayal.
So I kissed him, not without fear, for the old man was unearthly.
Two female students had said he kissed them without their consent.
She turned her mouth up to him and he kissed her without passion.