The kisses seemed to burn across her skin like little fiery footprints.
For a lot of women, a kiss seems to be more intimate than sexual intercourse.
Rather than soothe him, the kiss seemed to spark a short fuse.
After the line "ideologically naïve," I think a kiss would have seemed out of place.
He obliged her, wondering why a kiss seemed so much like a political statement, but she had no such reservations.
The kiss seemed to Israel to smite his own cheeks like a blow.
The kiss seemed to go on forever, and what logic was left in Alex's head dissolved together.
His lips were soft and warm and the kiss seemed to last for hours.
The kiss seemed to last for hours, although he knew it had just been mere moments.
And so you can imagine that this kiss, the first real one of my life, seemed to me more intimate than anything I'd ever experienced.