Overwhelmed with joy, the king regarded the child as a "miraculous gift of God".
The king had turned from her and was regarding us steadily with eyes so nearly closed that their meaning was impenetrable.
The king regarded us for a second with a scowl, then turned to her.
It may well be that the king always regarded Anselm's deposition as unlikely.
Finally, the king turned and regarded his son coldly.
In the past centuries, kings regarded the crown as a symbol of power, prestige and glory.
The king seemed ill at ease in the thing's presence, and regarded it nervously.
The king regarded it as a symbol of the old dynasty, and Drottningholm was left to decay.
The king did not regard Vane as going beyond his orders, and continued to employ him as secretary.
The young king regarded him with love and affection which the superstition of later time attributed to witchcraft.