The king proposed that all the chiefs should present him with a gift, himself setting the example.
She was then a very healthy queen that the king of Poland proposed to.
The Spanish king proposed that Forbes should put out to sea and seize the vessels on their return voyage.
Clearly, the human Cardiel understood what the king was proposing, but he still was archbishop, and forms must be observed.
The king proposed it to Costanza, who agreed to please him.
Twice widowed when she came to court at 32, she loved another man but had little choice once the king proposed.
The king proposed to settle the dispute between the two cities by arbitration, but Athens refused.
The king proposed putting her to death.
After protests in 2011, the king proposed a new constitution restricting his powers.
In the same year also he was included in various commissions among which the young king proposed to divide the work of the privy council.