In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house.
The king and his aides hid in a bathroom to avoid the shooting, then reasserted authority after being found.
All the king's aides then ran away leaving the king behind, so the king hid himself in a villa near the royal palace.
It happened that the king of the vookodlaks had been hiding behind a tree, listening while the sun-god talked to the boys.
"A demon it was that is said to have stolen his face so that the king must always hide in shadow!"
The king hid her until the baby's christening, when he asked the stepmother what should be done with someone who threw someone into the water.
Behind this, he and the captured king were hiding.
Alack the heavy day When such a sacred king should hide his head!
Embarrassed, the king hid in a tall tower, denying anyone to see him.
The king only hides in his bronze box when you are present.