The king greeted the boy, amazed by his boldness and strength, and asked his name.
All around its central courtyard, 18th-century frescos depict kings worshiping a tirthankara or greeting their courtiers.
While the king greeted each of his guests in turn, the rest of the landing party arrived in the yard.
We, your king and queen, greet you with love and extend to you our wishes for continued peace and increased prosperity.
The king, accompanied by a much younger son, greeted them with grave courtesy and glanced at the humans curiously and a bit warily.
The king greeted him very honestly and gave him financial help.
The king, a prepossessing presence in a towering crown, arrives on a horse from the right and greets his guest with a magisterially upraised hand.
"Good morning, Belgarath," the king of Drasnia greeted me with unruffled calm.
In 1995 it was reported that the current king personally greeted every incoming ferry from the mainland.
The king greeted them both, then asked Bremen to walk alone with him.