The Moroccans' traditional music is based on drones, age-old melodies and kinetic rhythms.
It was a concert dedicated not to pop melody or pop emotion, but to the immediate pleasures of kinetic rhythm.
In Mr. O'Farrill's music, lush emotion, kinetic rhythm and a restless innovation are never far apart.
With just Lenine's guitar and Suzano's percussion, Lenine e Suzano conjured kinetic rhythms usually built by drum choirs.
Naum Gabo, one of the two artists attributed to naming this style, wrote frequently about his work as examples of "kinetic rhythm".
Small hand-held drums - tabla, the two-headed pakhawaj and the ghatam (clay pot) - yield kinetic, dizzyingly complex rhythms in India's improvisational traditions.
Mr. Zawinul is fond of kinetic rhythms, jumpy melodies, exotic sounds, electronic timbres and jolts of dissonance.
He has a little less hair and a little more gray, and although he lives in California now, his voice still rolls with the kinetic rhythms of the city he loves.
Boukman Eksperyans traded the genteel compas direct, a middle- and upper-class urban style, for the kinetic rhythms of voodoo ceremonies that members had collected from the countryside.
Speed was everything, and speed proved a drug for a postwar TV audience used to the less kinetic rhythms of postwar radio and film.