The folding of some proteins can be modeled as a three-state kinetic process:
Equilibrium and kinetic processes have very different pathways.
Dissolution is a kinetic process, and is quantified by its rate.
Once the two preprocessor programs have run to completion all the Fortran 90 code has been generated that is necessary for modeling and assimilating the kinetic processes.
However, it requires a kinetic process such as surface and bulk diffusion to create a perfectly flat surface.
The kinetic process of destabilization can be rather long - up to several months, or even years for some products.
His investigations of kinetic processes include reactions with peptides, organic radicals as well as studied on the influence of pressure and solvation.
Some variability is expected, however, because of the complexity of the kinetic processes of nucleation, growth and flocculation that precede sedimentation.
I am convinced that it is an ongoing, kinetic process.
Although up to three different angles of incidence are required for each reflectivity curve, the time-of-flight nature means that timescales of kinetic processes are accessible.