Now Oreb's kindly returned it to me.
Kindly return the compliment by remembering that in this interview you are not dealing with a dull-witted planetary sub-official and conduct yourself accordingly.
The point of it all, please-would you kindly return to it?
'When you've finished, kindly return one copy to me.'
Unless you can give further authority for your flight, kindly return to Zurich and report to Flying Control.
Finder kindly return it to the Hawthorn Football Club.
Furthermore, we could not even follow up until they kindly returned both our ship and a Ducal yacht with the crews unharmed.
Forgive me, Chieh Hsia, but my master asks if you would kindly return.
Her husband kindly returned them to me, and I was able to do a great deal of destruction for myself.
Now if you will kindly return to the midships farcaster nexus and let me get on with prosecuting this military action.