Mr. Stevens dismissed the idea that the campaign, the first of its kind undertaken by the association, could be viewed as a sign of desperation.
The proposed rail project, when completed, was the most intensive and ambitious of its kind ever undertaken to date.
His records are described as being the most definitive project of its kind ever undertaken.
The distinctive arches in the cathedral ruins are covered in one of the most ambitious construction projects of its kind undertaken by the Norwegian government.
Carnegie officials said the project, to last three years, was the largest of its kind ever undertaken by China and a private foundation.
This is the most complex Federal program of its kind ever undertaken outside the Pentagon.
The health survey we took part in was the largest of its kind ever undertaken in Britain.
This raid constitutes the only operation of its kind ever undertaken by the Spanish army.
Field work started in 2006 and when completed by 2013 it will be the most comprehensive survey of its kind undertaken to date.
It was the biggest operation of its kind ever undertaken in the county.