In that way any contract action, any court action, any kind of action can be turned into a constitutional case.
When this kind of study is turned to the investigation of plant-people relationships in past times, it is referred to as archaeobotany or paleoethnobotany.
Various different kinds of large marine gastropod shells can be turned into "blowing shells", however the most commonly encountered species used as "conch" trumpets are:
This kind of magic was turned against King Ramesses III by a group of priests, courtiers and harem ladies.
The kind that want to pick your pocket when your back is turned.
The kind of approach that, one is told by experts, should be applied to wines and cheeses is here turned into historical method.
They had no way of knowing what kind of medical instruments might suddenly be turned against them.
The same kind of disciplined imagination could be turned to a really nasty story like "Pipeline to Pluto."
Imagine what kind of analysis would be turned onto single people who let the cameras into their lives and acted out like that.
About 4,000 veterans with other kinds of cancer or other diseases applied for compensation, and all but around 50 were turned down, the study found.