The orbs were now red with a killing lust.
Now that the killing lust had fled, Skald began to feel the effects of his emasculation.
Gordon whipped around; the Englishman's eyes were red with the killing lust, his hand rested on the butt of his pistol.
His ax was poised at shoulder height, and there was a killing lust in his eyes.
Impelled by hunger or perhaps simple killing lust, it plummeted from the sky.
For a moment he met her gaze full on and the killing lust came into his eyes.
The killing lust thundered in Justine's brain.
"Stand from between us, my lord," growled the pirate, his voice thick with the killing lust.
Slasher whimpered with the killing lust beside him.
I sensed a heightened killing lust amongst the shadows.