RAMBO superstar Sylvester Stallone feared last night that a killer hurricane had flattened his FIVE luxury homes on a Hawaiian island.
Q. What goes through your head as a killer hurricane is approaching?
Building inspectors in Dade County, Florida, have found these unusual buildings strong enough to handle "killer" hurricanes.
Unlike such killer hurricanes as Andrew, which ravaged South Florida in 1992, and Hugo, which tore through the Carolinas in 1989, this storm brought destruction that was widely scattered.
FROM layoffs to bad health to killer hurricanes, economic well-being is subject to all sorts of nasty shocks.
The killer hurricane hit Barbados at 145 miles per hour six hours later.
But the plot crashes during a killer hurricane that sends the island's rat population scrambling for the cliffs and has the marshals taking cover in a mausoleum.
From now through November, Mr. Sheets said, tropical storms form every three to five days that have the potential to grow into killer hurricanes, like Hurricane Andrew of August 1992, which devastated south Florida and many Caribbean islands.
But how, in this era of killer hurricanes and housing bubbles, are Americans actually doing?
Steven Goldstein has $3 million riding on whether a killer hurricane thrashes the Atlantic Seaboard this year.