The alleged killers claimed that they killed him for "crimes against the loyalist people".
Each letter also included one-third of a 408-symbol cryptogram which the killer claimed contained his identity.
In this case, the killer might claim that he or she was helping the victim by easing their pain.
The profile released on Tuesday contained a long list of characteristics the killer claimed to have.
Many serial killers claim that a violent culture influenced them to commit murders.
The killers claim they had not planned on using any violence in the break and enter; it was to be quick and easy money.
How long would it be before the killer stepped through that door and claimed him?
Ness said the killer claimed he had meant only to cause her a "surface wound" so she would receive compensation.
But that just didn't seem right, to let her killers claim the store as a victim, too.
On May 18, 1978, a serial killer claimed thirteen lives and injured 52.