He showed the place where two of his neighbors had been killed in a field nearby.
An 18 year-old local woman was killed after firing several shots at a rescue team nearby.
People here saw some of the war's fiercest fighting after more than 800 army soldiers were killed nearby.
The evidence showed that she was killed in Brimleigh Woods nearby and then moved.
The battle is said to have lasted six weeks and three hundred men were killed and buried nearby.
Five people were killed in a conference room and two in an office nearby on the second floor of the warehouse-like building.
All I know is they were probably killed nearby.
Neighbors said 12 members of one family were killed in the house nearby on which the missile made a direct hit.
That attack came just hours after an Israeli soldier was killed in a separate shooting nearby.
He tells her the last Other who came over, Ethan, was killed and buried nearby.