Avastin has since proved to be remarkably effective at killing tumors, although patients must be carefully monitored while they take it.
Merck and Sirna hope it may be used one day to kill viruses or tumors by turning off their genes.
Most anti-cancer drugs have a narrow therapeutic margin: toxic side-effects are almost always encountered at doses used to kill tumors.
Attaching a radioactive isotope to a monoclonal can enhance its ability to kill tumors.
Blocking EGFR tends not to kill tumors, but blocks their growth.
Neutrons can be used directly to kill tumors in organs that have been treated with special chemicals to selectively increase their ability to absorb them.
Cancer cells adaptively avoid apoptosis, allowing them to live and multiply indefinitely, making it difficult to design drugs that effectively kill tumors.
Reviewed in [1] More than 400 hydrazine analogs (related compounds) have been screened for their ability to kill tumors.
For example, worm hemoglobin might be used to kill cancerous tumors by starving the tissue of oxygen.
Neutrons are more effective at killing tumors than conventional radiation therapy.