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The cops find the tire watching an auto racing program in a house, having killed the occupants.
He survived a crash into the timekeepers' box, but killed the three occupants.
At night, many of the streets are populated only by the random gangs that break into whatever home they please, often killing the occupants.
Vaughant wants to destroy the camp and kill all the occupants.
They were investigating someone breaking into Thredson's former house, killing the occupants, and living in it.
On 6 November 1957, the 300 series prototype crashed during a test flight, killing the 15 occupants.
He refused to get into the lift and a moment later it crashed, killing the occupants including the mysterious man.
The car crosses the border, then explodes, killing the occupants.
The accident killed the five occupants of the aircraft.
The aircraft caught fire and was completely destroyed when it crashed into a set of trees, killing the four occupants.