Yet he killed ten million peasants.
The rally was attacked by the police, which killed 3 peasants.
Nationally, the guerrillas killed 650 peasants and militia members last year, compared with 213 policemen and soldiers.
Johnson decides to bomb North Vietnam and kill a million innocent peasants, and what can I do about it except talk?
The police regained control after killing a dozen peasants and arresting hundreds.
One such attack in 1997 killed 45 unarmed peasants in the village of Acteal.
Mr. Borge, who was traveling with them, said the army killed seven peasants and wounded five, all unarmed civilians.
In that community, Shining Path killed 47 peasants, including 14 children aged four to fifteen.
The guerrillas killed 47 peasants, including 14 children aged four to fifteen.
He said in an interview last year that his men had killed "only 17 peasants and they were subversives shot in a firefight."