On the night of June 18, Zhong took his soldiers and entered headquarters, killing Zhang and his close associates.
In the ensuing shoot-out, Sergei and Simon kill both the Doctor and his associates.
Anand sets up traps, confident that Dharamdas is still alive and killing his associates for some still unknown reason.
Wang Wujun killed Li Weiyue and his associates and surrendered to the imperial government.
"I didn't kill your associates," said Shadow.
Drag Gibson sets fire to Loop Garoo's circus, killing his associates and forcing him to flee into the desert.
The Palestinians kill their East German associates as soon as they are no longer needed.
They killed Brig. Khaled Mosharraf and his associates.
His aim was to seize control of the valuable corporation by killing his associates.
The attacker turns out to be Konitz who kills his former associates and again takes the Mancinis hostage.