She kills mostly lambs and small children and lives in a cave near Croagh Patrick.
"They kill the young calves and lambs."
They typically kill lambs by biting them behind the shoulder.
The book also says that although badgers will scavenge from sheep and lamb carcasses, and eat afterbirths, they rarely kill lambs.
Last year, according to the department, predators killed 489,500 sheep and lambs and 129,400 goats valued at $27.4 million.
Common Ravens can cause damage to crops, such as nuts and grain, or can harm livestock, particularly by killing young goat kids, lambs and calves.
For months he's been killing lambs and pets.
Cape foxes have been reported to be able to kill lambs up to three months of age, although this is a rare occurrence.
'There's a dog round these parts killing lambs.'
Although it will occasionally kill poultry and young kids and lambs, it is largely harmless.