In Colorado, a poacher was convicted in numerous cases of illegally killing elk as a result of DNA tests.
Grizzlies and coyotes rarely kill adult elk, but each pack of wolves kills an elk every two or three days.
"I've killed several elk and several deer and bear and pheasant."
I have frequently killed elk at two or three o'clock in the afternoon that have been found at six in the morning.
The Yellowstone managers were not eager to bring back wolves, especially after having so successfully ridding the park of them, so they continued killing elk.
Mr. Ray said the wolves would not know to kill only coyotes or elk, and might further drive down the deer population.
They kill deer, elk and grouse.
He had killed lion and bear, deer and elk.
He'd been a vigorous man who'd enjoyed walking in the forests to kill elk or even bear-the mighty hunter of wild animals.