The allusion was to arson and other violence against foreigners that have killed at least 24 in Germany during the last two years.
Estimates differ on how many people were killed during the first two years of the conflict.
According to official figures, more than 200 women and young girls have been killed during the 23 years of the Troubles.
Indeed, more than 200 Israelis have been killed in terrorist attacks during the past four years.
Only 12 people had been killed while mining in Slovakia during the previous twelve years.
As a result, some 13,000 converses were killed by the Inquisition during the first twelve years of its existence.
He said that at least seven young people have been killed in and around the project during the last three years.
Overall, between 60,000 and 100,000 people were killed during the 26 years of conflict.
It is presumed that Helen was also killed during the following two years of unrest.
Thousands of people were killed during the years of revolt against the military regime in that country.