"You killed that man so coldly."
As I noticed the large black pistol on his belt, I thought about Danny and the .45 that had so coldly killed him.
Owen cut and thrust with skilled precision, killing coldly and dispassionately, with the minimum necessary movement and strength.
If I was sure I could kill coldly, it wouldn't scare me so much.
At Bernau, he learned maxims, such as, "We must have the will to kill coldly and tranquilly."
At any rate, the more Stile con- templated the prospect of coldly killing another human being, the less he liked it.
Fritz is critically wounded by the bomb and begs for help from Lester, who coldly kills him for abusing him for years.
He killed coldly.
But now you find a female killer who's intelligent, plans well, kills coldly with no apparent motive, and it shatters all your preconceptions about women.
He had the skills necessary to kill coldly and precisely, and HYDRA was a weapon much like any other.