After running the family for one year, Testa was killed by a nail bomb at his home.
The two were killed at their home as they returned from a Sunday morning church service on July 22, 1984.
He killed himself at his home in Newport after suffering from an undisclosed illness that had caused him great physical pain.
In January 2006, his wife was killed at his home.
A Queens woman was killed yesterday at her home in a fire, which officials attributed to careless smoking.
Evans was killed by police on 5 January 1976, at his home in Los Angeles.
She was sent to prison for killing three people at her home in Sacramento, California.
Although he survived the assassination attempt, he was killed five years later at his home in India.
Three days later, Mr. Armand was shot in the head and killed at his home.
On July 12, 2005, around 2 a.m., he was killed at his home.