Just by using the name of jihad, they are killing as many people as they want.
He may have killed as many as 22 people, but the police charged him with only eight counts of murder.
There were some historians who thought the Black Death had not killed as many people as the records indicated.
The police suspect that he may have killed as many as 100 people.
Bird may have killed as many as 46 people.
But when a guy's killed as many people as Adnam, you don't know what he might do.
The agreement, signed in Geneva, is seen as a first step to ending fighting that has killed as many as 5,000 people since 1989.
No legally manufactured product in the history of the world had killed as many people as the cigarette.
Stupid mistakes had probably killed as many people over the years as aimed shots.
When you've killed as many people as I have, and led so many good men to early deaths, they're never far away.