"Albanians began to kill Serbs; Serbs were shooting up villages."
He added that is not an ethnic conflict, but the problem is the honoring of those who killed Serbs with a memorial plaque in Serbia.
The paramilitary unit, according to the court records, decided to retaliate by killing local Serbs.
They were found guilty of conspiring with the Zagreb wartime leadership to kill or expel ethnic Serbs during and after the operation.
"The only thing they will talk about when I am around is killing Serbs."
"I am going to kill Serbs for you."
"You want me to allow you to come behind our lines with Muslim troops to kill fellow Serbs."
First tell the Kosovars they can have autonomy but that we are not going to kill Serbs and Americans for Kosovo's independence.
He could not kill Serbs.
When asked what he did in Kosovo, he gave a wry smile and answered, "Kill Serbs."