He pushed past the cameras and the crowd, not even stopping to smile, and soon the kids were swarming all over Big Daddy.
Pie McKenzie's daughter felt "special" when other kids swarmed around her father, a scrappy right wing for the Boston Bruins.
These kids are swarming all over the beach down below, doing clean-up detail as part of some local church do-good project.
This was a completely different, foreign world, where kids swarmed freely through a zoo, animals were in habitats and weren't undergoing genetic grafting, and we were strolling along, not hooked up to EEG monitors and blood pressure cuffs.
The kids swarm over the guard like jackalas and we see Short Round pull a key from the struggling guard's robe.
The kids swarmed into the back seat.
You'd think the kids would swarm around Donald for autographs, but they run away screaming cuz the truth is Donald is a 6-foot duck with no pants on.
Our family attended the All-Star Game in Toronto last July and what impressed me most was seeing the kids swarm around Cecil Fielder in the lobby of the hotel where the players were staying.
Four Oriental kids in blue satin jackets swarmed out of the store.
Summer in the City On a recent hot evening in Washington Heights, kids swarmed outside, riding scooters, sitting on stoops, eating Chinese takeout and playing basketball.