I see the kids coming out, the small boys scuffling with one another, the little girls tangling hands and giggling together.
My heart convulsed, but luckily the kids, who were only 4 years and 18 months at the time, just giggled.
All the other kids were giggling and splurting into their hands as they looked at me.
The kids around me giggled with the exception of Hymie who gave me a light nudge with his elbow.
We kids giggled over it-but you would have liked her, you dirty old darling.
Johnny and the kids were giggling in the bedroom.
A few other kids giggled, but the possessed performers paid no attention to them.
Little kids giggled together, high-school sweethearts held hands (and if the librarian saw them, she would make them stop).
The kids giggled, but their amusement had a somewhat dutiful tone to it.
A few kids were giggling about something behind me.