And political leadership is becoming the key weakness of the whole crisis.
We identified several key weaknesses in our last two Ubuntu reviews, some of which still haven't been addressed yet.
The result of these events illustrated a key weakness in Augustus' constitution.
Although this timetable brought in some marked service improvements, it had two key weaknesses.
We trained them how to identify the key weaknesses in society and what people's most pressing problems were.
He had to wait; that was the key weakness of the fortified position-they could only defend and play a passive role.
The key weakness in the plan, they say, is the lack of any concrete defense against the increasing intrusion of commercial development.
The key weakness lies in the relationship between the reductive and the excessive sides of the work.
After this past season, when we were 6-9-1, I said to myself: 'What is the key weakness here?
Which brings us to the key weakness of Dictate: the "golden rule."