She was otherwise a key legal strategist in the civil rights movement, helping to desegregate Southern schools, buses, and lunch counters.
Although his cancer had already been diagnosed, he was a key strategist among the Congress leaders who prodded the white Government into accepting democracy.
Herle has been active in the Liberal Party since his youth, and was a key strategist for the Martin leadership campaign.
It was created by Paul Weyrich, a key strategist for the paleoconservative movement.
Although she was a key strategist throughout the 1992 campaign, she withdrew from the President's weekly political meetings during 1996.
Accordingly, said one key strategist, the Administration will take "a rifle-shot approach, not a shotgun approach."
Officials here say Mr. Kassem is a key strategist and financial officer of the organization.
Simon Oliveira is a key strategist in David Beckham's team managing the star's communications and image strategy for nearly nine years.
"We're an international specialist bank," insisted Kaoru Hayama, the bank's key strategist and managing director of its planning department.
He is now a key strategist in the company's come-from-behind competition against America Online.