Such language has long been denounced by Protestants as a key obstacle in any talk of Irish reunification.
Now the city has promised to find alternate shelter for the 250 homeless, clearing a key obstacle to groups' plan.
Another key obstacle to agreement is the issue of subsidiary limits on specific classes of weapons.
Critics of the school system have cited the custodians contract as a key obstacle to improving the condition of the city's schools.
However, due to Titan's extremely low temperatures, heating of a flight-bound vehicle becomes a key obstacle.
The two issues are key obstacles to American recognition of the Government in Hanoi.
A key obstacle for Mindquest in its early days was visibility, as few people had access to the Internet in 1995.
The poor quality of electricity supply becomes a key obstacle to growth.
Ryan identifies key obstacles to success and eliminates them.
However, a key obstacle soon developed when the three men refused to unite behind a single candidate to oppose Dewey.