Preston was taken seriously as a key innovator of an "Australian" art of her time and still is.
Each episode details the particular foods' origins, key innovators, history, and evolution into modern cuisine.
Praised as one of broadcasting's top talents, he is regarded today as a key innovator of radio drama.
Tally was a key innovator in line matrix and industrial inkjet technologies and had become a player in the color laser market.
Jay Nunamaker has been featured in the July 1997 Forbes magazine issue on technology as one of eight key innovators in information technology.
She is recognized as a key innovator in the field of hand papermaking as art form.
Since the 1970s she has been a key innovator in the teaching of mathematics in French schools.
He is considered one of the key innovators of Metal Painting.
Linda Benglis's cast forms seem a disappointing under-representation of an artist who has been a key innovator in several media.
Dr. Worden was a key early innovator and proponent in the area of small satellites.