We have good chance of winning some key Congressional districts to take back the House.
The races in key districts "are quite competitive," he added, and "we have some very, very strong town tickets."
Mr. Rosenthal said they had helped get 78 percent of union members in key districts to the polls.
The city has several key retail districts including a pedestrian mall known as Bridge Mall comprising over 100 traders.
No incumbents were chosen, and members of Dean Dozens also tended to target key districts.
This year, the tax people say they are going to be focusing on one university and two hospitals in each of seven key districts.
So we set up tables and gathered petitions in key districts in New York.
Mainly, he uses traditional methods-- making campaign contributions, opening Fannie Mae offices in key districts.
Most polls have given him 4 or 5 percent of the white vote, but in these key districts, he will need closer to 10 percent.
Dumfries has several primary schools, approximately one per key district, and four main secondary schools.