A standard series of options menus that allows the player to control key assignments, volume levels, saving, loading, etc.
These key assignments are, to put it charitably, not particularly logical, and they are certainly hard to remember.
The key assignments are:
It is also why Company E always seemed to be called upon for key assignments."
An LCD with 40 x 2 characters is included, which can display the key assignment.
The 2nd Battalion of the 311th was given the key assignment at Kesternich.
They also talked of a hierarchy of like-minded executives who look out for each other, with the result that key assignments too often go to unqualified people.
Such key assignments gave her leverage to lobby for giving women specific protection under the Civil Rights Act.
Fewer key assignments?
The application has a built-in table of key assignments for xterm, rxvt and some less familiar terminal types.