While kerosene tanks can be 1% of the weight of their contents, hydrogen tanks often must weigh 10% of their contents.
At some places along the front, webs of piping ran out from concealed kerosene tanks to the grassy approaches leading off the beaches.
Moments later, the ruptured kerosene tank commenced to burn and the plane blew up.
Luckily the big water and kerosene tanks .... giant cylinders, the size ofgasometers - held enough for fifty years.
The launcher's central kerosene tank is surrounded on four sides and the top by liquid oxygen tanks; the liquid nitrogen tank is nearby at the bottom.
The kerosene tanks of the four boosters are relatively small and compact, and also between a liquid oxygen and a liquid nitrogen tank.
However, in flight the kerosene tank will need a separate system of pressurization, to replace fuel volume as it drains.
The governor general's compound would have had a kerosene tank in the basement, something that would be filled from outside.
In the forward section were 5 compressed air tanks and 2 kerosene tanks.
Renovations include installation of new liquid oxygen and kerosene tanks and construction of a hangar for rocket and payload preparation.