She remained securely kept by the college, occasionally displayed for alumni events, for well over a decade.
This is the book where we keep their records, and of course it must always be kept securely under lock and key when not in use.
The payload data was kept securely and isolated.
It is very fragile and is kept securely; a facsimile is on display.
Steve was kept securely bound and blindfolded for most of the following day.
If you plan to travel by bus, take precautions to ensure any cash and valuables you have are kept securely.
The boys are allowed to roam the Palace at night, while the girls are kept securely in a separate dorm.
I understand that all the counterfoils and voting slips cast are kept securely for a period after an election until they are eventually destroyed.
But Jupe also knew that everything else The Potter owned was kept securely under lock and key.
They are kept securely dormant through any vagaries the weather has to offer.