The keeper was standing at the door talking to a stout man with a stick.
Thou'rt quick, But yet I'll bury thee: thou'lt go, strong thief, When gouty keepers of thee cannot stand.
Thou't go, strong thief, When gouty keepers of thee cannot stand.
The great gates were closed, but a keeper stood near the smaller door, which was still open within the larger.
One beautiful Sunday morning, the brute, after a good breakfast, had fallen asleep on his bed, and the keeper had gone down stairs, and was standing in the street with the door open behind him.
AH, the old keeper, stood in the open doorway with a rusty sword in his hands.
He followed the boy's glance to where the keeper was standing watching them.
Several shop- keepers and businesspeople were standing at their windows or outside their doors exclaiming over this very welcome change of weather.
Immediately beneath the lantern room is usually a Watch Room or Service Room where fuel and other supplies were kept and where the keeper prepared the lanterns for the night and often stood watch.
The warden was at his desk, and stayed there, and the keeper closed the door and stood in front of it Lily was in a chair in a dark comer, and I crossed to her.